What is Voice SMS ?

Best Voice SMS Service Provider in India with all upgraded features for customers. SMS Take brings SMS Outbound Dialer technology to send voice calls to mobile users.

Our voice SMS service platform is based on latest technology and capable enough to handle heavy traffic. Same is applicable in both inbound and outbound models that are currently available in market. As a specialized voice SMS service provider in India, our motto is to meet with all of your requisites and to provide you real time solution.

Provide a human touch to your marketing campaign by making use of this service with free setup and monthly fee. Pay only for receive calls and you can also target local customers through their own spoken language. Its noticeable to mention that, this service will not be delivered to DND activated numbers.



Flexible Solution

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The Behind Technology

Voice SMS OBD, otherwise known as Outbound Dialer is the technology that works as the base here. It sends voice activated calls to your targeted customers and once after received, it plays a pre-recorded message. Apart from dialing and playing the recorded message, this Outbound Dialer is also capable of measuring response of your campaign by gathering touch-tone inputs from end-users.

Voice SMS Service Features

  • Sending Voice Message in your own language
  • Uploading Mp3 or Wav Files
  • Adding human touch to your message.
  • No service to DND Numbers
  • Pay only for answered call

Why Voice Message?

There are two major reasons why you should choose this service. First of all, the power of voice broadcasting, this is one of the major parts in Digital Marketing. Secondly, a major portion of your customers mayn’t convenient in English. For them, using their spoken language is always better. As this voice SMS service is completely automated, no operator or dialer is required. It’s just a onetime setup process where you need to embed your voice message and customers’ contact list. That’s all you need, once after finishing setup, rest process will be completely automated. By using this, we can ensure that, your selection of a better voice SMS service provider will not go waste and return on your investment will surely be fulfilled.
  • Outbound Dialer
  • Missed Call Numbers
  • Customer Satisfaction Surveys
  • Text to Speech
  • Record & Send on the Go
  • Pay per Usage

Common Question About This Service

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Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condime honcus sem quam semper libero sit amet adipiscingem neque sed ipsum. amquam nunc

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